Imitating Jesus: Jesus and the Benefits of Scripture- Sermon 4

Creekside Community Church: “Imitating Jesus” “Jesus and the Benefits of Scripture” September 23, 2012

John Bruce – Pastor

Strength (John 8:31-32)

Success (Luke 8:12-15)

Satisfaction (John 14:21, 15:9-11)

Stability (Matthew 7:24-27)

Jesus and the Benefits of Scripture

For further thought and discussion:

Getting Started

1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. Only 10% of American Christians have read the entire Bible. 35% say that they never read the Scriptures and the great majority of the rest report they only read the Bible once a week on Sundays in church. What kind of problems would you anticipate for the church in America in the next decade in light of the increasing biblical illiteracy of its members? What could be some reasons for today’s Christians’ lack of interest in the Bible?

Going Deeper

  1. Please read Luke 11:27-28. Why did Jesus correct this woman? What does “blessed” mean? Please read Joshua 1:7-8, Psalm 1, and Ezra 7:9-10. What blessings do you see attached to hearing and doing the Scriptures? Do you think most Christians are aware of the benefits reading and applying the Bible? Why or why not?

  2. Please read John 8:31-32. What blessing from taking the Scriptures seriously does Jesus promise in this verse? How does the truth set us free? Can you think of an illustration from your own life where deception kept you enslaved to sin but the truth of Scripture set you free?

  3. Please read Luke 8:12-15. What blessing from taking the Scriptures seriously does Jesus promise in this parable? What are the different responses to the word? Which soils do you think represent true believers? Why? How is the word of God linked to fruitfulness and productivity?

  4. Please read John 14:21 and 15:9-11. What blessing from taking the Scriptures seriously does Jesus promise in this passage? Why do you think Jesus equates love for Him to hearing and doing what He says? How does this compare with the way Christians today think of loving Jesus? What is fullness of joy? Why do you think Jesus links joy to obedience to His word?

  5. Please read Matthew 7:24-27. What blessing from taking the Scriptures seriously does Jesus promise in this passage? What do the two builders have in common? In what ways are they different? How does hearing and obeying the Bible produce stability? Can you think of a personal illus?

  6. Which of these four blessings is most motivational to you right now? Why?


What is one thing you learned from this week’s passages that you will apply to your life?