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Want to get connected? Here are the three steps to connection at Creekside.

1. Fill Out the Welcome Card
As you sit in the Creekside auditorium, you'll notice a slip in the seat back in front of you. Fill it out, check the box(es) applicable to you, and drop it in the offering slot (located to the left of the stage.) We'll follow up with you as soon as possible. You can also fill out a card here.

2. Attend a Pastors' Coffee
If you're ready to get more connected at Creekside, check out a Pastors' Coffee. Enjoy coffee and pastries, learn more about who we are and what we care about, and find out how to plug in and serve at Creekside. Pastors' Coffee takes place monthly in the Middle School Room at 11:45 a.m. Contact Rachel Butler to sign up.

3. Become a Member
When you're ready to make Creekside your home church, attend our membership course. This course is offered throughout the year. Our next membership course is scheduled for Saturday, August 31st, 2025 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. If you would like to attend, please contact Rachel Butler. For information on the membership process, visit the membership page or contact Jeff Bruce at (510) 764-2312.