Rooted is an intensive 12 week course on the basics of the Christian faith. Whether you're new to Christianity, or just need a refresher, this course is for you. Jeff and John Bruce will be teaching. Rooted meets at Creekside on Sundays from 9:00-10:00 a.m. starting October 13th. For more information, contact John Bruce.

Why take Rooted? In Colossians 2:6-7, Paul says, "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Paul was writing to the church in Colossae. The members of this church were wavering. Initially, they placed their faith in Jesus. But now they were being lured away from Christ by new, enticing teaching. This church was like a tree. It sprang up quickly, but it lacked roots. So Paul encourages the church to get rooted, to be built up, and to be established. These young believers needed a deeper understanding of what Paul had taught them, so that their lives wouldn’t be shaken by new ideas or difficult circumstances. These young believers needed a solid base on which to build their lives. And we need the same thing. Every generation of Christians needs to be rooted and grounded in the truth.

And that's why Creekside offers the class, Rooted. We want you to build your lives on a rock-solid foundation. The subjects covered at Rooted are the ABC's of the Christian life. They comprise the foundation of Christianity. We believe this information is crucial for everyone, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.

New Christians: If you are a brand new Christian, for instance, we think it is vital that you get off to a good start. Early in church history, new believers actually went through a 3 year training period after conversion. We're only asking for a few months. We want to come alongside you, share some insights and some truth, and help you grow deep roots. We want to help build your life on enduring truth. We also want to share your joy as you begin to experience the abundant life that Christ has for you

Older Christians: We think this class is for you too! The basics are always important, because they are basic to everything else! If you forget the basics at your job, you’ll probably get fired. If you neglect the basics of friendship, you might lose a friend. And if you neglect the basics of the faith, the foundation of your life will begin to erode. Maybe you’re not a new Christian, but haven’t learned the fundamentals. Or, they've never really sunk in. Or, you just need a refresher. Consider this course a seismic retrofit for your faith.

Investigators: Whether you’re an old Christian or a new Christian, these things matter. We also think they matter if you’re not a Christian. If you are investigating the faith, we would be so happy to have you in this class. We think it’s important that you get a sense of what Christianity is all about. As a result of this course, we hope you gain a firm handle on the basics of Christianity, so that you can make an informed decision concerning Christ.

Contact John Bruce for more information.