Join us for Love Our Neighbor, Creekside’s annual day of service, on May 4th from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. We will meet at Creekside for coffee, refreshments and prayer before dividing into teams. Some projects will remain at Creekside while others will take place around the Bay Area. Everyone will return to Creekside at 12:00 p.m. to share about how their time of service went and how they saw God work. Read on to learn more about this year’s projects and sign up for the project that interests you. Contact Chelsea Grijalva for more information.
Alpha Pregnancy Center
What: Help Alpha Pregnancy assemble a variety of different bags they hope to use to bless clients and support families.
Where: Creekside
Who: Ages 18 and up. This project needs 7 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Alpha Pregnancy Center Bag Donations
What: Please help purchase items from our Amazon registry for the Dad bags and for Empower Mom bags that we will assemble on May 4th.
You can access the Amazon registry here.
April Showers
What: Help prepare bag lunches, bake cookies and write short notes to the unhoused population that April Showers serves.
Where: Creekside
Who: All ages. This project needs 9 volunteers.
Sign up here.
What: Help two families who come to the CrossStreets Food Pantry at Creekside with some of those chores such as yard work, painting, plumbing, housework, or reorganizing a closet. Volunteers should bring work gloves and wear closed toed shoes. All tools, water, and face masks will be provided.
Where: Homes around the Bay Area
Who: All ages. This project needs 12 volunteers.
Sign up here.
foster the city
What: Make no-sew blankets for foster children.
Where: Creekside
Who: All ages. This project needs 10 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Hope Beyond
What: Hope Beyond serves the two California state women’s prisons by supporting prisoners in the areas of board prep and re-entry. Write cards of love and encouragement to them, some of whom never receive mail. Children are welcome to come with an adult and write cards or draw pictures.
Where: Creekside
Who: All ages. This project needs 12 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Immigrant Hope
What: Immigrant Hope will be hosting a free Immigration Law Workshop for the community and needs volunteers to help our immigrant neighbors complete various immigration applications, such as for naturalization (citizenship), green card renewals, and DACA renewals. No legal experience is necessary. We will provide a 1-2 hour training session for our volunteers before the workshop to prepare for the workshop and discuss the forms. Shawn Hall will contact everyone who signs up with more information.
Where: Creekside
Who: Ages 21 and up. This project needs 10 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Jones Convalescent Home
What: Help assemble goody bags for the staff at Jones Convalescent Home and then travel to Jones to play Bingo and sing songs with the residents. Kids are welcome to join and the Jones residents love seeing them! It will start at Creekside and then travel to Jones Convalescent Home in San Leandro.
Where: Jones Convalescent Home in San Leandro
Who: All ages. This project needs 12 volunteers.
Sign up here.
MacArthur Blvd. Clean Up
What: Let’s be good neighbors by helping clean up the area of MacArthur Blvd. around Creekside. Please wear closed toed shoes.
Where: Creekside and MacArthur Blvd.
Who: Ages 18 and up. This project needs 10 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Omelagah Inc.
What: Hike, fellowship and eat lunch with adult men who have a developmental disability.
Where: Lake Chabot Park in San Leandro
Who: All ages. This project needs 10 volunteers.
Sign up here.
San Leandro Lawn Mowing
What: Help those in need of lawn mowing, gardening or tree trimming around the San Leandro area. Please bring gardening tools or a lawn mower if you have them. We will make sure that the yardwork can be completed by 12:00 p.m.
Where: San Leandro
Who: All ages. This project needs 25 volunteers.
Sign up here.
Set up/tear down team
What: Help with set up, check-in and tear down for Love Our Neighbor. There will be two shifts: 7:30-9:30 a.m. to help set up breakfast and 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. to prepare lunch.
Where: Creekside
Who: All ages. This project needs 8 volunteers.
Sign up here.