We have Sunday school classes for infants-5th graders during both the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. service. Our Sunday school classes focus on the big story of the Bible - God’s plan to rescue his people through his Son, Jesus Christ! We play games, do crafts, share prayer requests and talk about the Bible together. All Sunday school teachers are trained and receive a background check.
Below are some frequently asked questions about our current program:
Do I need to pre-register?
No pre-registration is necessary.
Do I need to check in my child?
Yes. You can check in your child in the children’s ministry lobby at one of our check in stations. Once toddlers and preschoolers are checked in, you can drop them off in their classes. beginning at 10:20 a.m. Elementary students will attend the worship portion of the main service with their families and then will be released to their classes around 10:45 a.m.
Can I volunteer?
Yes. We are looking for Sunday School teachers for all classes. Contact Genevieve Yow or Bethany Onywera for more information.